Oskar Yasar recently highlighted the preliminary findings of the Global IR Revolution to the Swiss IR Club Annual Conference at the Six Swiss Stock Exchange.

We’ve come a long way

That IR and communications revolution is real, even in Switzerland. We’ve been saying for many years to our forward-thinking and career minded candidates that their careers are only limited by their own ambition; but now we can truly say that about our comms and IR industries – our industry is only limited by its own ambition!

What has been clear with all the international conference speeches given by Oskar Yasar in recent weeks, including his last one of the year at the Zurich Stock Exchange SIX for the Swiss IR club Schweiz conference, is not just that there has been a clear tectonic shift in the realisation of the importance of IR and reputation at the board table, along with the credibility and power of today’s IRO and corporate communications directors, but how much appetite and ambition there is out there to engage with a number of the conclusions in our soon to be published Global IR Revolution Study.

Our industry has changed beyond all recognition in recent years, but the more we come together at important events and showcase our study the more our voices will be heard at the board table. It really is a simple equation. So thank you to the brilliant Lorna Davie, President of the IR club Schweiz for your dedication and passion for our world. And thanks to the SIX Swiss Exchange for hosting us, and the brilliant compare, Tim Human from IR Magazine, at what was a brilliant conference. Onwards……..💪